Blog Posts
I write about Java, JavaScript and Web Development. Enjoy.
Java 11 Tutorial
September 24, 2018
Learn what's new in Java 9 to 11: Local Variable Type Inference, HTTP-Client, Collections, Streams, Optionals, Strings, InputStreams and more. -
Migrate Maven Projects to Java 11
August 29, 2018
Learn how to migrate Maven projects from Java 8 to 11 (Jigsaw Module System) -
Kotlin Sequence Tutorial
July 23, 2018
Learn functional programming with Kotlin Sequences (filter, map, reduce, ...) in this example-driven tutorial. -
Integrating React.js into Existing jQuery Web Applications
August 24, 2015
This article describes a few techniques how to integrate React.js into traditional jQuery single-page-applications. -
Java 8 Concurrency Tutorial: Atomic Variables and ConcurrentMap
May 22, 2015
Learn multi-threaded programming with Java 8 by example: This tutorial covers atomic variables and concurrent maps. -
Java 8 Concurrency Tutorial: Synchronization and Locks
April 30, 2015
Learn multi-threaded programming with Java 8 by example: This tutorial covers Synchronization, Locks and Semaphores. -
Java 8 Concurrency Tutorial: Threads and Executors
April 07, 2015
Learn multi-threaded programming with Java 8 by example: This first tutorial covers Threads, Tasks and Executors. -
Java 8 API by Example: Strings, Numbers, Math and Files
March 25, 2015
Learn new Java 8 API features by example. This post covers Strings, Numbers, Math and Files. -
Avoiding Null Checks in Java 8
March 15, 2015
This post describes techniques how to prevent null checks and NullPointerExceptions in Java 8 in order to improve null safety and code readability. -
How I've Really Learned Programming
March 11, 2015
This is the story how I've really learned programming back in 2001. A summary of do's and don'ts for beginners who want to become a decent programmer. -
Fixing Java 8 Stream Gotchas with IntelliJ IDEA
March 05, 2015
Many useful Stream operations are only available via collect. This post describes how to fix this with IntelliJ IDEA. -
Building Isomorphic Webapps on the JVM with React.js and Spring Boot
February 16, 2015
How to build isomorphic JavaScript webapps on the Java VM with React.js and Spring Boot. -
The GitHub Matrix
December 16, 2014
The latest commits from GitHub visualized in a Matrix-style animation. -
Setup a Git Repository in iCloud Drive
November 27, 2014
How to setup a remote git repository in iCloud Drive -
The Future of Javadoc
November 24, 2014
A proposal for JEP-225 to improve HTML5 support and usability of the original Javadoc. -
Java 8 Stream Tutorial
July 31, 2014
Learn Java 8 streams by example: functional programming with filter, map, flatMap, reduce, collect, lambdas, sequential and parallel streams are covered in-depth in this tutorial. -
Writing Nashorn Command-Line Scripts with Nake
April 17, 2014
Nake is a simplified version of Make for Java 8 based on the Nashorn Javascript Engine. -
Using Backbone.js with Nashorn
April 07, 2014
An example how to use Backbone.js on the Nashorn Javascript Engine (Java 8) -
Java 8 Nashorn Tutorial
April 05, 2014
Learn the Nashorn Javascript Engine (Java 8) by example -
Explore the JDK 8 API
March 29, 2014
Discover all new JDK 8 API features -
Java 8 Tutorial
March 16, 2014
Learn Java SE 8 by example: Lambda Expressions, Default Interface Methods, Method References, Streams, Date API, Annotations and more -
Fix Icon-Fonts in Firefox for OSX
July 29, 2013
Fix icon-fonts in Firefox for MacOSX with with CSS -
Tweak Hibernate Lazy Loading via @BatchSize
September 07, 2012
Example how to increase Hibernate performance with lazy loading -
Customize the Eclipse Outline
October 05, 2009
Tips how to customize the Eclipse Outline panel -
How to log Hibernate Cache Hits
October 01, 2009
An example how to log Hibernate 2nd level cache hits -
5 Tips for Customizing Eclipse
September 25, 2009
5 tips how to customize the Eclipse IDE -
Introduction to Google Collections
September 14, 2009
A brief introduction to the Google Collections API. -
Hibernate Preload Pattern
September 02, 2009
Describes an approach how to deal with Hibernate lazy loading in complex object graphs -
Optimize Eclipse in 5 Steps
August 24, 2009
Tips how to optimize the Eclipse IDE -
Introduction to JMockit
August 18, 2009
An example-driven introduction to the JMockit Java library -
Prevent Hibernate LazyInitializationException
August 15, 2009
An HQL example how to prevent LazyInitializationException in Hibernate -
Query Several Columns With Hibernate
August 14, 2009
An HQL example how to query several columns with Hibernate -
Import Madness
August 14, 2009
The crux of equal Java class names -
Separation of Concerns: The Proxy Pattern
August 13, 2009
An example how the use the Proxy Pattern in Java -
My Top 10 Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts
August 13, 2009
A few useful Eclipse keyboard shortcuts -
Observer pattern revised: The EventBus
August 12, 2009
Introduction to the EventBus library for Swing applications -
Improve Java Swing Drag And Drop Behavior
August 12, 2009
How to improve Java Swing Drag and Drop behavior -
Target Platform Issues in Eclipse 3.4
August 12, 2009
How to fix Target Platform issues in Eclipse 3.4 -
Custom Code Templates in Eclipse IDE
August 12, 2009
An example of how to write custom code templates in Eclipse